Wednesday, November 30, 2011


After my time in Mirrisa, I headed to Hikkaduwa to meet up with other teachers from Kuwait. Janaka, my host at the tree house drove me and a friend there in his Tuk Tuk. We left early in the morning so we could get 2 full days (one night) in Hikkaduwa before it was time for me to catch my plane home.

The first thing we did was rent a scooter. I had never driven one for an extensive amount of time and this was a great place to enjoy the ride. It was super cheap too, only about $6 to rent it for the entire day. We got it around 11 and were told to have them back by 7 or 7:30. I didn't want to drive the scooter in the dark so I planned to get it back by 6, as that is when it was getting dark in Sri Lanka at that time of year.

Unfortunately my camera was only working some of the time by that point, so I only have two pictures of the scooter ride, and all of Hikkaduwa really. They are both of a monitor lizard. It was pretty cool driving through the rural area despite not having a camera. We had no idea where we were going, we just drove. The roads were so narrow that cars couldn't drive down them. They were used by scooters, bikes and the occasional Tuk Tuk.

I ended up going to a temple we came across by chance and decided to see if we could check out. Very little English was spoken, but they were very willing to show us around and very eager for us to take pictures. I couldn't appease them as I already mentioned my camera wasn't cooperating.

We also drove our scooters through the city of Galle. It was super busy there and an interesting experience on the scooters. A taste of some heavy traffic where I had to exercise extra caution. We didn't spend much time there as we knew it would be dark soon and didn't want to ride our scooters back in the dark.

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