You can only turn left on a left hand signal light on the roads as well as make a U turn. On some roads the left turning and U turn lanes are on the far right instead of on the far left. This may have something to do with the bike traffic.
Many roads have additional medians that separate the bike lanes from the car lanes. The bike lanes are narrow, just big enough for one car to fit. The majority of the bikes and motor bikes that use these roads head in the same direction as the traffic beside them, but the odd bike will drive the opposite way. If you are lucky they will stay on the right side of the bike lane. Generally if you are going the opposite way you should use the lane on the other side of the street.
The roads are set up very conveniently for navigating yourself through the city, even for a foreigner. At each intersection, or cross street as they are often referred to as, there is a sign that labels each road in both English and Chinese characters as well as which direction is north/south, or east/west. There are also numbers on the signs indicating which addresses are which way. I have not found the numbers on the signs very helpful however because sometimes the roads are split into a direction and the numbers can repeat themselves.

While driving on the roads you are at times as high as the buildings you are driving past. It's interesting being on the bus and looking over and seeing a building below you that is actually several stories high. It isn't really easy to illustrate the elevated highways via pictures from on the ground, at least not in my area. You should be able to see however that the elevated road in the distance is much higher than the ground I am standing on to take the picture.
Thank you for reading and Merry Christmas. I will be spending my Christmas in Beijing on the Great Wall of China. It will be my first experience of China outside of the very westernized Shanghai. I'll be traveling by high speed train too which will allow me to see a little of the Chinese country side.
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