Friday, July 2, 2010

Car Ride Through Paris

The flight process went off pretty much flawlessly. My hand and cast were swabbed but other then that I was fine. I had a stopover in Iceland and while going through security there the lady stopped me while she verified there was nothing she needed to do because of my cast.

I must say, France was the easiest country to get into. Once I arrived it was only a matter of grabbing my bags.

Unfortunately there was noone waiting for me at the airport and I had no idea what to do. I tried using a pay phone to see where Marine or Julien were but the machine kept eating my money even though I asked for help at the info booth. I was getting frustrated when Julien finally showed up. Julien explained that Marine had wanted to meet me but someone commited suicide on the train, so the subway was delayed. She called him and he drove to the airport instead.

This gave me the oppurtunity to drive through downtown Paris as we needed to meet Marine to get my train ticket. I must admitI am glad I wasn't driving. There were points when cars were coming from all directions and there weren't really any road lane lines.

We drove past some pretty famous places, like the arc de triumph and the loo. No chances for pictures yet as I was in the car, but I will get my chance when camp finishes at the end of the month.

It was nice to see some familiar faces in France. Julien drove me to the train station and I said my goodbyes. I took the train from Paris to Granville, but fell asleep before the train even left. I woke up and was well out of the city. The sites were similar to farms back home.

There was a taxi waiting for me at the train station. I was the last counseller to arrive and my dinner was waiting for me. All signs are pointing to this being a good month.

The kids arrive tomorrow...while I have had plenty of time to get on the computer in the days of prep for the kids, I do not forsee that continueing.

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